Merry-go-round (Vesta) | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Almost Sparkles
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The sweet surrender of silence forces me to live alone
Locked and loaded, where the hell is peace of mind? I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue "speech" | thoughts
The moon shone bright overhead when Mako made his way through the thick jungle, seeking out the Scallywag, Vesta. Most of the pack was sleeping, safe and sound in their dens. It was the perfect time to get to know her one on with without anyone interrupting. Besides, it also meant he could be out and about without getting a headache. Hopefully. Lately the sun had been bothering his good eye and it worried him. What if he was going blind in that eye as well? He knew he needed to seek out a Healer, but he was afraid they wouldn't have a remedy for him. Finding her den was easy enough and he barged on in, taking no measure to quiet himself. "Vesta. Wake up," he demanded, pushing her shoulder with his paw. "Get up an' shake off. We're goin' on a walk." @EhwazAzi |
Dancing Flame
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"Vesta. Wake up, Get up an' shake off. We're goin' on a walk."
Since her purchase, life had been quiet for the firedancer. She had been given a place to sleep, and as of yet, had had no demands made of her. That appeared all about to change as the Kraken came barging in. After his announcement, the shove was unnecessary. If she had been a new slave, or one less aware of her situation, she perhaps would have been startled by this intrusion. Instead, she instantly woke from her light dose. Looking up at him with deep sea eyes already open and crystal clear with alertness. Without a word, she rose to her feet. The movement was lithe and graceful, a testament to her extensive training. Now, it was as natural to her as breathing, and she did it regardless of intent. There was little way to tell what he was like, this new Master of hers. Some laid their claim right away, using power and pain to assert their dominance. Vesta had been taught that remaining passive was a way to remain safe. If they didn't get a rise out of her, they couldn't hit her for it. While she was easily as tall, her build made her look delicate in comparison to Mako's frame. So she waited with her tail down, her head at a relaxed, but not overly submissive angle. Neutral. There wasn't a point to asking where they were going. Slaves were rarely told, and asking was just an outburst. Best not to speak until he allowed it. ⚶
Dancing Flame
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"Are ye mute, girl? I don' remember ye bein' mute. Eh... c'mon." Since the question appeared to be rhetorical, the firedancer didn't bother to answer it. Instead she did as expected, followed him like his own shadow, and as silent as one. While she kept an ear firmly focused on her Master ahead of her, her ocean eyes were very busy. The thick jungle was a haze of green. The smell of salt water coated his place, the brine pickling the inside of her nose. If you didn't know where you were, it would be very easy to get lost in it. Not an easy chance at freedom, which she suspected was partially the point. They left the jungle for the coast, and Vesta had to admit she was glad. The open ground gave her more chance to know what was coming, and the sound of the waves was a calming breath that didn't obscure to sounds around her. There was a calmness here that did not hold the waiting silence of the jungle. Here, it seemed if she started running towards the moon, she'd be able to catch the path of the light and run into the sea. One of the stories she had been taught was of a castle beneath the sea, made of moonlight. Would this culture know that story? Vesta's thoughts were very busy as she stood watching the water with her Master, who seemed to be doing the same. "What do ye think of the sea?" "It's wondrous." She answered honestly. "My land had a sea of shifting sands. I see now why they called it 'dead'." Vesta had stood in the sand, but she had never touched the sea. The route to the Pass that her trader had taken had barely given the string a glimpse before they were told to cross the narrow strip of land. The Firedancer suspected that all parties involved wanted the slaves at their most shocked and scared. Vesta had certainly been shocked to see something that existed. But she had reasoned to herself that if rivers carved through the land, there must be places where land stabbed through the water. She had held onto this feeble rationalization to keep her composure on the bridge. Now, she thought of how the desert she had grown up in had been impassible without proper planning, supplies and teamwork. This one was much the same. She stole a sidelong glance at the Kraken. As of yet he had done nothing but take her for a walk. Like a pet. Was that what he had wanted? A companion? She was certainly trained to be one. Vesta knew stories, plays, songs and dances. She could keep him entertained, be the pretty little dancer in his music box. She had been taught more discreet and personal attentions, as well. Had the Kraken ever had a Baal'en massage? Because she could give him one. This land was clearly a fortress, but was it to keep her in, or was it really a palace oasis by the sea? If she played her cards right, perhaps she could be comfortable here... After all, what did 'freedom' really mean to one who had never known it? ⚶