Private Roleplay  faint of heart [Kieran]
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speech thoughts

A petite figure made her way, unknowingly, towards Inaria.

It was getting cold, the first winter she'd experienced since the one she'd been born in. It was early morning, and the fog was thick, so thick that she could hardly see through it. She shivered against a chilled wind, breath coming out in a visible sigh in front of her. She would need to find shelter soon, but... she had to find food, first. Her attempts at hunting had been fruitless endeavors, too loud and too brightly colored to be of any real talent at it. If only her mother had taught her, maybe she'd have a chance...

Her mother had not taught her, though, and she'd disappeared with no trace one morning, not unlike the misty one she now traveled. She didn't know a lot of things, honestly.

For example, she knew nothing of borders, or packs, or pack land. She'd been taught to be wary of strangers--and she was, so much so that she sometimes jumped at her own shadow--but she had never learned that there were large groups of other wolves, that there were scent markers to look out for and turn back when you found. So she crossed the border, interest piqued by the pretty, purple-flowering trees of Inaria.

It was pure coincidence and nothing more that she hadn't run into a guard on her way through. Just as snow began to fall softly, her vision suddenly swam. She stopped in her tracks, shaking her head to try to clear it and only succeeding in making herself even more dizzy. Her stomach growled, loud, and Wisteria's brow furrowed in concern.

A figure appeared through the light snow. "H-hello...?" She barely managed to meekly get out before collapsing.

She really should've eaten something.

ooc: She just has low blood sugar, no worries!! She is trespassing, though not intentionally by any means, but if she has to face some consequences that's fine! She's roughly a year old in this thread, since her profile doesn't state her age. If any alphas want to join for any reason, feel free!
[-] Likes: Stella
Kieran~ He
Posts: 9
Pronouns: He
Location: Inaria
Rank [IC]: Omega
Played By: Jadeth

(This post was last modified: November 30, 2017, 10:21:41 AM by Kieran~.)

Broad paws carried the brutish Omega through the cold winds.

The winter season was slowly but surely creeping in, the air becoming more bristled and crisp. Luckily, Kieran's size and girthy frame kept him well insulated. His wild fur acting as a snug and toasty coat against the snow and frost. Kieran's breath misted before his face, deep pools of sapphire scanning the area as he patrolled. He was still an Omega, still scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of rank and responsibility. But he longed to be active, to serve a greater purpose than the Medic's unofficial assistant of sorts. Not that he had minded, of course. He and Setebos had taken to each other rather well.

The small man had appreciated his assistance in clearing heavier obstacles, and Kieran appreciated... well someone to talk to.

The grey hound left broad paw prints upon the frosted ground, a light fog ghosting in from the coastline. A grunt found its way to his muzzle as it began to lightly snow, small flakes littering upon the ground to continue on and on into the cold night and into the next day. Undisturbed by the snow, the Omega continued on, small black ears twitching as they caught a small feminine voice.


“Who's that?” He'd grunt, large frame shifting quickly closer as Wisteria   collapsed. Kieran cursed under his breath, nosing at her fallen form. “Hey, get up. You're not from here are you?” Came the questions, eyes squinting at her foreign scent. A trespasser then. What did Inaria even do with them these days? She didn't look small, but she certainly wasn't as heavy as Kieran. Another huff and he'd attempt to wiggle her onto his back, not the most comfortable of positions but it was effective in allowing him to carry her.

The snow began to fall in earnest as he stood back up with his cargo, thick fur coat helping to keep her somewhat warm as they travelled deeper into the territory. His goal was to take her to the infirmary, she didn't look or smell like she was injured. And Kieran knew out of everyone that Setebos would have some idea what was going on.

“Name's Kieran. What's yours? You know you're trespassing in Inaria, right?”

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