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  ZapadosZulu - PokemonRp 12yrs
Posted by: Shard - April 05, 2020, 11:45:52 PM - No Replies

[Image: ZuluAd.jpg]

Hi, I'm Shard.

Enter a familiar world where old is new once more. Where every man, woman, and child dreams of glory and where Legends and Myths collide. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Starting in Johto with one of our three starters...
[Image: Glowy-Starters.png]

Do you have what it takes to reach to the pinnacle of Elitedom?

We are a Heart Gold/Soul Silver Pokémon RP based heavily on the games, but you do not need to have played them to enjoy ZapdosZulu! We have comprehensive guides, our own original quest lines, adjusted wild encounters on every route for an array of Pokémon to catch early on, and a wonderfully supportive, open, and friendly community from many corners of the world!

[Image: Pokeball_Bullet.png] A simple and player-friendly battle system! You only worry about the RP, Mods handle all of the numbers.

[Image: Pokeball_Bullet.png] Trainer Shops and Bases! Enjoy your own private Treasure Hunts, even grow your own berries!

[Image: Pokeball_Bullet.png] Includes Pokémon from all Gens! Plenty of event giveaways and breeding or trading opportunities to collect all your favorites.

[Image: Pokeball_Bullet.png] Generate extra income for your character by offering your services or selling items through your personalized store. Or, have fun gambling in our various casino games. Slot machines, roulette, high/low even connect 4!

[Image: Pokeball_Bullet.png] Gogoat races are held at the end of every month! Lottery draws & Buena Password games are also available.

[Image: Pokeball_Bullet.png] Become a member of the nefarious Team Rocket, complete with exclusive missions and goodies! Or tryout for the International Police Force!

We're at 12 Years and Still Going Strong!

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  Tainted Onez
Posted by: SalyaDarken - March 17, 2020, 01:56:32 PM - No Replies

[Image: TOZAD3.png]
We are a fantasy based forum that allows it's members to Role-play anything they wish, share their stories with us and show off their artist skills with Artwork and Graphics. There are no limits on Words nor Characters. Members earn forum gold and collectables by being active. If bored, members are free to make a fan-club or join one, join one of TOZ's Clubs or maybe The guilds would interest you?

Will you join us?
Home || Link back || Affiliate?

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  Skrenvar - Hardcore 16+ Lion RP
Posted by: Skrenvar Official (Etsu) - March 16, 2020, 03:41:33 PM - No Replies

[Image: yNYIEAr.jpg]

[url="]Skrenvar home[/url]

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  Stepping Stones
Posted by: Alejandro - March 11, 2020, 05:11:24 PM - Replies (3)

This just hadn't been his day. At all. And every gust of air that ruffled Alejandro's saltwater drenched fur only seemed to further drill home that point. But, pulling back his shoulders and stiffening himself against the breeze, he was a prince (a king even!) and a little wind and water were nothing someone such as himself couldn't overcome. After all, he just had to make it a while longer and surely his family would find him.

(Oh, Alejandro, how long have you already been waiting?)

Regardless, this overcast beach with its obviously rogue waves was simply a stopping point on his way to somewhere better where they'd appreciate him. A quick shake would send a few bits of water flying though it did nothing for the sand collecting on his paws for which he would shake each one at a though it made little difference at all.

He'd be fine though, the sand would soon enough turn to a rocky path he could follow away from the godforsaken beach, Alejo just had to make it until then and then he could get his poor paws clean once more. Ugh, he certainly didn't remember walking that far from the path in his investigation though. A useless investigation that rather than result in some great new find simply resulted in a soaking wet boy sporting a rather grumpy expression and he muttered to himself on his way anywhere that wasn't there.

No more beach for him thank you very much.

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  Vexillum Discord!
Posted by: Cesare. - March 11, 2020, 08:02:31 AM - No Replies

you don't need to be a member of vexillum to join! lemme know if you want a color role!

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Posted by: Cesare. - March 11, 2020, 07:35:52 AM - No Replies

[Image: ddqodx6-19e3d322-9e1b-4cf7-8e40-7ea3edd2...5RX3fpKQRg]


In Vexillum, ranks and promotions are voted on, and are a public pack affair. Everyone who is old enough to vote are expected to come together in the main hall of the castle, and may air their concerns, or ask questions of those currently vying for a rank. The candidates will have to prove themselves in front of the crowd, and at the end of any demonstrations or speeches, the crowd will be asked to vote, after closing their eyes.

If the first candidate is your vote, you are to lie down.

If your vote is the second, you are to press your nose into your scarf.

If you do not think either candidate is a good option, you are to remain still.

Verbal votes will also be counted, and are encouraged to be expressed privately, if you are unable to do any of these tasks.

You may also designate who your character is voting for via an OOC tag.

[Image: ddqodx6-19e3d322-9e1b-4cf7-8e40-7ea3edd2...5RX3fpKQRg]

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  Scarf Colors
Posted by: Cesare. - March 11, 2020, 07:21:23 AM - No Replies

[Image: ddqodx6-19e3d322-9e1b-4cf7-8e40-7ea3edd2...5RX3fpKQRg]

Scarf Colors

The scarves can have designs on them, or be a solid color. It's up to the player's discretion. Every citizen of Vexillum must wear a scarf.

Bright Red
High ranked member, often including but not limited to the Imperator, Consul, Censor, Praetor, Dux, and Pontifex Maximus.

Blood Red
Reserved for Dux, Legate, Centurions, and Medicus.

Used for Tirones.

Reserved most often for the Pontifex Maximus, Pontifex, Pontiffs, and Haruspex.

Light Blue
Used for Patricians.

Plebians, as well as Censor.




Visitors from another pack.

[Image: ddqodx6-19e3d322-9e1b-4cf7-8e40-7ea3edd2...5RX3fpKQRg]

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  Gladitorial Handbook
Posted by: Cesare. - March 11, 2020, 07:19:25 AM - No Replies

[Image: ddqodx6-19e3d322-9e1b-4cf7-8e40-7ea3edd2...5RX3fpKQRg]

Gladiatorial Handbook

  • Fight fairly, and not to kill, unless both fighters agree to those terms. (Must also be discussed oocly.) Everyone deserves a fair chance.
  • Please the crowds! They're here for a show!
  • Obey the referees, or anyone of higher rank, in case there is a lack of referee.
  • Attempt to appease the gods with bloodsport. Don't be afraid to tear off an ear.
  • Keep the aggression to the arena. There's little need to make enemies of those you live with otherwise.

Good Sportsmanship
Don't urinate on your opponent, or attack their belly. The point of being a Gladiator is to win honor, not dig yourself further down. 

Hygiene & Behavior
Take good care of yourself, and show pride in your brutality, and the crowd may favour you. Make them love you.

Illegal Moves
Using any of these tactics when not previously agreed on, or when directed not to, may deeply affect your favour and votes within the pack. No one likes a spoil sport.
  • Biting the throat, genitals, or belly.
  • Blinding or otherwise maiming your opponent.
  • Choking.
  • Any bodily fluids that aren't saliva or tears.
  • Attempting to kill.
  • Attacking the crowd, or referee.

[Image: ddqodx6-19e3d322-9e1b-4cf7-8e40-7ea3edd2...5RX3fpKQRg]

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  Familia System
Posted by: Cesare. - March 11, 2020, 07:15:01 AM - No Replies

[Image: ddqodx6-19e3d322-9e1b-4cf7-8e40-7ea3edd2...5RX3fpKQRg]


Vexillum society is homonormative, and as such, it is common to either adopt pups, or find a surrogate to bear yours and your mates children. The Familia system keeps all of your chosen family together, honoring them in society as much as a biological family would be honored. Mates in civil unions often become part of one Familia, that they share together, and they are able to invite as many others into their Familia as they wish.

Familia often live and work together, sharing in both status and glory. As such, becoming part of a Familia is another, separate means for a Damnati to work their way up through the ranks, as they would have a sponsor, and someone who can speak for them from within the pack itself. Centurion often also form Familia with other Centurion that they have strong bonds with, and during times of hardship, take special care to watch the backs of those they hold dear.

Familia do not need to be approved, nor do they need permission to form. They can be created between any number of wolves, for any number of purposes, and can be just as easily broken. It has little effect on ones status or rank, but may get people talking, if it is a dramatic affair. For Damnati, however, if they are ousted from a Familia or have one dissolve before they are allowed to rank up, must seek alternate means to gain status.



[Image: ddqodx6-19e3d322-9e1b-4cf7-8e40-7ea3edd2...5RX3fpKQRg]

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  Winterfell [ Our Land & Customs]
Posted by: Cesare. - March 11, 2020, 07:03:15 AM - Replies (2)

[Image: ddqodx6-19e3d322-9e1b-4cf7-8e40-7ea3edd2...5RX3fpKQRg]


Located on the island of Winterfell, Vexillum's dires are hardy, often built for the cold, harsh winters, and are often just as harsh themselves. Those with prestige don red scarves upon their shoulders, fastened with a bronze emblem. Though democratic, they are a warlike breed, ready to fight and defend their home. Blood sport is common, in the form of gladiatorial combat between slaves and traitors in the hopes of earning admiration and honor.

A democracy at its core, decisions are presented by the Consul, who gather "votes", or general opinions on the matter at hand from members of the pack, and the decision is often made depending on the majority. The only one who may overrule these decisions is the Imperator, under specific circumstances.

Earning rank is a public affair, with members being voted in, instead of promoted, after proving themself worthy to their voting base. This can either be through combat, a test of skill, or through making a case to their audience.

Veni. Vidi. Vici.

[Image: ddqodx6-19e3d322-9e1b-4cf7-8e40-7ea3edd2...5RX3fpKQRg]

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