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  Scraps [Caesar]
Posted by: Orcrist - October 05, 2017, 05:11:59 PM - Replies (10)

[Image: orctitle_by_lunecy-dboiega.png]
The clouds grumbled and threatened to poor rain. The den in which was once pregnant with youth had filtered out and set their own paths. A son dug deep into the earth, nestled beneath a gnarled tree. A daughter bloomed as red as the roses she wore as a heavy fragrence. The others surely did their own things as the father lumbered to the edge of the den of the Heralds as the daughter of roses had gossiped through lude tongue about a lost dragonling. How odd and there was a pang of deja vu as she strung her plan along a smile all too familiar.

He looked for the blossom upon an open chest, to smell iron. "Dragonling." he called, hoping to arouse the orange draughter.

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦
[Image: wolf_skull_by_nayuki910-d5dlzpz.gif]

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  ibises wreck picnics and disrupt the community
Posted by: Deidra - October 05, 2017, 02:27:13 PM - Replies (1)

Ran from: March 19, 2017 - today

Ever since Alana assisted Deidra with her condition, she had been getting much better! In fact, she was starting to emerge from her isolation to again explore Nardir, familiarizing herself with everything she had missed in her absence. The plague was still a threat suspended over her head, but she was no longer crippled with fear over her inevitable infection and death. She had taken to wandering the land around the lake, which was often teeming with wildlife. Today, she saw a group of young swans moving in tandem.

For whatever reason, Deidra was endeared by their fluffy patheticness and felt compelled to feed them, even if she was just fattening them up for the next opportunistic predator that bumbled past. She was in a magnanimous fucking mood, okay, and she felt like appreciating nature today. She retrieved an apple which was laying in the grass. Deidra didn't have access to bread, but the curious swans nevertheless deemed the fruit an acceptable substitute. She dissected the apple into convenient little chunks and tossed them to the flock. A few of the younger swans waddled over to investigate, poking at the apple crumbs with their beaks. Success!

That was when she realized that she hadn't only attracted the attentions of baby swans. Deidra jumped in place, startled by a loud squawk coming from behind her, and whirled around to come face-to-face with a swan that was certainly bigger than herself. It squawked again and advanced, enhancing its imposing presence by extending its wings. Deidra took a step back to try and separate them before she realized that the flock of juvenile swans had finished their meal, and they were converging on her. Deidra was quickly trapped between the swans that were now clamoring eagerly for sustenance - sustenance they were more than willing to take from Deidra's flesh, were she not able to provide more delectable fruit.

"Shoo," Deidra hissed, trying to deter them. She was the big bad predator here, and she wasn't about to let herself get pushed around by some birds! A chorus of squawking rose from the throng, and one swan made a grab for the apple core, jabbing its beak into her leg like a wasp's stinger.

"Yeek!" yelped Deidra. Without thinking, she threw the apple core and hoped it would be enough to provide an opening. Fortunately, it distracted some of the juveniles, but the adult was transfixed and determined to ANNIHILATE. She could see the hatred in its beady eyes. And the harder she looked, she realized -- its beak was lined with teeth.

HOLY SHIT, ABORT. Deidra lunged through the broken circle of swans, the adult swan's beak swiping through the air like the tip of a spear. It followed in hot pursuit, and as it nipped at the tip of Deidra's tail, she realized the damn thing could move awfully fast for a fat hobbling bird. Deidra yowled again, evidently too paralyzed by the novelty of her predicament to react as a predator would.

Anyone that felt like tracing the commotion would happen upon a hell of a sight.

It was very easy for someone like him to become isolated and forgotten. It wasn't due to neglect from others, it was simply how he was. For the most part, he enjoyed his time alone; silently wandering the outskirts of Nardir. He did not bother anyone, and no one bothered him (he knew how to stay away and out of sight).

His people probably needed him, but he found it hard to find the motivation to actively help.

A scream nearby was the abrupt kick in the ass his motivation needed.

He was moving before he even realised, his chest tight and his pupils pinpricks, focused solely on reaching the source of the incident. His mind immediately grasped the worst conclusion; someone was likely being murdered, they were dying and he needed to get there as quickly as he could. What would he do when he did reach the dying woman? He wasn't quite sure.

He didn't get the opportunity to reflect on how stupid that conclusion was, for when he reached the troubled woman, she barrelled into him with enough force that it knocked his front legs out from beneath him, and he collapsed face first into the dirt. Everything had happened so fast that he didn't realise he was squashing the woman who was now trapped underneath him (he wasn't exactly a lightweight, especially for a dainty little thing like her).

Lets not even get started on the swan.

It had already landed a few hits on him in the chaos that was the 'Deidra Tackle', tufts of golden fur ripped from random parts of his body and blown away in the breeze.

Enough was enough.

Regaining his balance and slamming his paws on the ground, he lifted himself up and snapped his jaws at the large bird in a ferocious display. He hoped it was enough to scare the stupid thing off, if he actually had to try and chase it away he'd probably end up stepping all over the lady he was trying to help (A PRINCE DOES NOT STEP ALL OVER HIS SUBJECTS!!)

Thankfully, it did, the swan waddling away with victory honks, leaving the pair alone to reflect on what on earth had just happened.

It didn't occur to him that he should move away to let Deidra stand up, so he just peered between his front legs at her in silence for a moment.

(You're meant to say something, idiot).

"Are you...alright?"


ooc: permission to kick Zaniah in the balls was given by frost and i quote: "just kick him in the balls fucking do it"

so uh?? cw for v frank descriptions of that happening

Fate would dictate that eventually, Deidra's unstoppable force would collide with its immovable object, and in this case, the immovable object happened to be poor, hapless Zaniah, brave Zaniah who heard her distress call and answered it like the knight in shining armor he aspired to be. Though to Deidra, Zaniah was nothing more than an indistinguishable golden blur, something she didn't realize she had been careening towards until the moment she barreled right into him.

He collapsed on top of her like she was a wrecking ball that had smashed the foundations of a house, and suddenly Deidra had two problems to contend with: the squawking legions of swans that were still ravenously pursuing her, and the weight that prevented her from getting as far away from them as possible. "OOOOUUUUUFFFFFF," went Deidra as Zaniah crushed her ribs and squished her lungs, and have fun imagining what that must have sounded like.

Panicked and disoriented, Deidra had no idea who or what was on top of her-- she just heard more of that infernal squawking, some snarling, and those trumpeting noises growing quieter and quieter. She flailed about underneath Zaniah, twisting and kicking her legs about in a desperate effort to push him off of her, not so much because she was threatened but because she was blinded by adrenaline and the need to free herself, and-- in the midst of her thrashing, with one bone-shattering blow, one paw smashed squarely between Zaniah's hind legs.

(Think of a boot pressing down on an anthill.)

In Deidra's defense, she wasn't aiming, nor was she really looking to hurt Zaniah. She had felt Zaniah's weight on her and panicked! She had lashed out without thinking, and just happened to make contact with his, uh, funny zone. And that just happened to make Deidra realize that the swans were gone, and she had kicked her savior in the nuts.

"AAAAAAH!" Deidra screamed in mortification. "OH! MY! GOD!! I'M SO SORRY!"

And really? She was sorry! But no matter how sincere were her apologies, that was probably of little consolation to Zaniah.

Zaniah never really thought about how others show their gratitude - he certainly never asked for it, as it wasn't something that someone of his stature should do. It was also unbecoming for someone of his stature to scream in a lady's face.

Unfortunately, that was what he did when Deidra kicked him; his deep voice twisting unnaturally into a higher pitched wail.


He had already collapsed away from her, laying on his side with his back arched. "AAAAAAAHH??" In his mind, he was trying to piece together the puzzle pieces that had led to this situation (WHY WOULD SHE KICK HIM THERE?) - anything to take his mind off of the sharp pain that had literally taken the Prince off his feet.

Nardir's secret weapon: Deidra the ball smasher.

Wait, no, Zaniah, this isnt Princely. You have to be strong for your people.

Whether Deidra was hovering over him or not, he would suddenly rise to his feet, taking in a deep breath and closing his eyes. "I'm okay." He stated, more to reassure himself than anything else (but he couldn't hide that little shake in his voice). He wasn't socially adept, so the only way to move on from this 'accident' was to pretend it never happened at all.

Why was he aching? Dunno, don't remember, woke up like it, stop questioning me Mum--

"You are safe now, ma'am." Nope, still had that slightly shaky voice. "I'm glad I got here in time." Silence. Dead silence. He actually had no idea how to continue this conversation. And so he blinked down at her, trying to think of a conversation starter. That thought process was unsuccessful.

He had done his duty as a Prince, he had protected this damsel in distress. Mother and Father would be proud. And now that she was safe, he was no longer needed.

So, abruptly, without a word, he began to stagger away.

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  Something about ants [Sveyn]
Posted by: Circe - October 05, 2017, 12:10:54 PM - Replies (3)

[Image: i6i5awm_by_catastrophicnova-dbnanbv.png]

Circe crouched beneath the tall grass of the prairie, her black and white pelt was such a hindrance when it came to hunting in the open like this but the grass was so thick and tall here it hid her well enough. Large white paws muffled the sounds of crunching foliage as she stalked closer to the large herd of elk, scattered within its ranks were several younglings. Amber eyes scanned the gathering that was spread quite wide, she spotted a new mother, circling a newly dropped calf. He was struggling to stand while the mother sniffed and doted after him. A wave crashed over the female as she watched the baby slowly gain his footing and make his way to his mother's side to nurse. Suddenly filled with a strange sense of longing, she snorted loudly, sending the whole herd into a scattering mess of chaos as they spotted her lurking in the grass and took off in the opposite direction. The girl watched as the herd ushered their young away from the big bad wolf before turning to head back to meet up with the rest of the Bacchus party. It wouldn't be so horrible if she came back empty-handed, it's not like they were in dire straits or anything. Not to mention, their current situation didn't allow for the carrying of extra food, it would be wasteful to bring back such a large meal. 

As she walked her mind wandered, the past few weeks had been full of new and exciting developments and she was eager to visit the nearby packs to find packmates. She'd grown up thinking she was simply ugly with her roman nose and big feet but that wasn't the case at all, she was part Bacchus Dire. The development came after her father, Rainer, had found her a few weeks before and explained her heritage, inviting her to join him as he ventured to return the Bacchus territory to its former glory. Of course, Circe eagerly joined him along with her charge, Beau and shortly after, a man named Basma and an old woman who spoke to ravens. 

The rustle of grass pulled Circe from her thoughts, she looked around, the grass just over her head gave no hints of who was nearby. H..hello? Who's there? She asked, her heart began to race and before she could get an answer she bolted forward, heading for the edge of the prairie where the forest and her family waited. Unfortunately, she didn't see the rock jutting up from the ground, her paw caught it just right and she went tumbling head over tail through the grass. Landing flat on her back with her belly exposed, she quickly rolled to her feet and shook herself off, mildly embarrassed. She widened her stance and looked around for the imagined stalker in the grass before relaxing and chuckling to herself. Circe, don't be silly, there's nobody out here.

[Image: IAmJfdT.png]
He had been tracking the elk for sometime now, prioritizing his hunts more than usual when the herd made an appearance. Such a large group of prey was rare for Sveyn to see around here, and a herd this large wouldn't stay for long. The ghostly giant also hid silently within the brush, his breathing was sparse. To take down a young buck would take a lot of stamina alone, and while he had the strength for it he worried he'd tire quickly. How long had it been since he devoured something larger than a rabbit? There were just too many nomads in this territory to claim big game quickly enough. Sveyn had narrowed his gaze on a large buck with a lame leg, the poor creature's disadvantage was his predator's profit. A pink nose inhaled slowly, deeply. As he was preparing to leap, the elk scattered. The majority of the herd ran in his direction, so what was it beyond that spooked his dinner? He exhaled gently, lifting himself into a stand. Normally, Sveyn may have ran after the elk... but it was the smell of a young female that carried in the wind that seemed a little more interesting than his meal that got away.

He had to quicken his gait to be sure he didn't lose her, and it didn't take too long until he finally got a glimpse of the monochrome female, closer speculation helped him gather that she also showcased a brilliant shade of scarlet. Sveyn also came to assume that she clearly had places to be, a destination in mind; she navigated through the long field grass all too well to be aimlessly wandering. "H..hello? Who's there?" Sveyn paused. He was much too close if she could hear him, and he hadn't decided if he wanted to meet her acquaintance quite yet. It would have been an easier choice to make had he been able to see where she was off to. He was immobile while she tried to figure out where he was watching her from. When he became witness to her fall, his eyes widened, wincing. He went to step out at once to make certain that she bore no harm from the fall; but she regained her balance quickly and... spoke to herself? "Circe, don't be silly, there's nobody out here." Unless Circe was hiding somewhere, he could only assume this was the name of the young female. Pretty.

After letting out a faint chuckle, he stepped through the tall grass. Shaking off the debris of the itchy prairie, lowering his head slightly to inaudibly signal he was of no threat to her. "Excuse me for scaring you, Miss." He took a step closer to examine her, she was just a foot shorter than he was, her golden eyes quite entrancing. And... her face. Her facial structure resembled his so closely that it made Sveyn's eyes narrow in size. "... Circe, is it? Where do you travel from?" He would not question her ancestry yet, formalities were due.

||OOC: Here's so far, I'll do my best to get a reply up for you tonight||

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  Wonderings [Open]
Posted by: Kokipa - October 05, 2017, 12:00:34 PM - Replies (9)

The wolf really had no idea where she was going to go now, that she had found herself out of the dark and back into the light that was Alteron. But Alteron was not really a light, no was it? It was still a dark, shadow place that others often feared to tread. Kokipa did not find anything familiar to her, besides the den she had left when she had disappeared. She did not sense Ackid or Kiakime, or any of the wolves that she had known when she had been a lonely serf then Sentry of the woods. In a way, Kokipa just wanted to find the two wolves who had influenced her the most. But she had yet to find them and she did not hold out hope that they would remember the black wraith with the rose eyes. If anything, the lack of finding them had hurt her more than the possibility of finding them did. But she did not hold any hope to not finding them either. There was always a chance she could stumble upon them. 

But the wolf had taken up her old ways, wondering around the lands with some aimless intent. She was a ghost, something of the past that had no real say in the future pack of Alteron. It had changed so much, gone were the tyrants of old and in where the tyrants of new, though different in the political manner in which they shifted. Like snakes. The black wraith could speak in their tounges but she really had no heart for doing such a thing. She was just a old creature of habit, one who wondered and watched and didn't speak. Even now her voice was raspy as ever, like a crone who hadn't spoken in centuries. She was  a skinny rail who slipped beneath the trees and bushes. She watched with bright eyes that countered her dark pelt. She was a wanderer now, a wolf who had no real thing to do. 

And maybe there were others who wondered too.

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  salty but sweet
Posted by: Kalypso - October 04, 2017, 10:01:30 PM - Replies (3)

It was with a heavy heart that the Wayfinder had returned from Borogrove, leaving behind her brother in a foreign land that she knew very little about. She didn't like it but it had been Daniel's decision and it wasn't like she would never see him again, she would make it her mission to visit Borogrove regularly, just to see his face and remind him that there were still people in Tortuga that cared for him. She would always follow the stars to find him. The thought of stars shifted her thoughts and she looked down at her pale front leg, turning it this way and that as she considered it silently. 

It was time she got a tattoo. 

All the other important rank leads had one, didn't think? And the Navigators needed a tattoo that set them apart from the other ranks. But what should she get? Kalypso had never gotten any ink like the other Sailors in Tortuga because to be quite honestly, she was afraid of getting something permanent on her that she would regret later in life. So whatever it was that she decided on it had to be absolutely perfect. Groaning she headed out in search of a Crafter, her gut twisting in an uncomfortable combination of anticipation and anxiety.

Aysu was no where to be found and she couldn't find hide nor hair nor scent trail of Brielle or any of the other Crafters and her brow furrowed. Of course, it figures, that the one time she finally plucked up the courage to get a tattoo all of the people who were capable of doing it were no where to be found. Kalypso heaved a heavy sigh but kept shuffling through the tropical jungle, hoping she'd run into someone who could help her.

The sight of a familiarly colored stripped pelt in the distance got her attention and her small ears swiveled forward into an alert position. Adder? Maybe he knew how to tattoo! Excitement put some pep in her step and she practically pranced over towards Adder as she called out to him,"Yoohoo~ Adddeeerr!" Hopefully he stopped and turned to let her catch up and she'd come up alongside him and peered up at him cheerfully. "Do you know how to do tattoos by any chance?" Please say yes, please say yes..

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  earthquake plot hub [currently: grouping up]
Posted by: Hayley - October 04, 2017, 07:54:37 PM - Replies (20)

hello all! hopefully you're all moved in to the new forum and ready to get going, because it's time to start plotting! with the earthquake over, the Nardiri must begin to pick up the pieces and search for our missing friends and family. you're free to start new threads in Nardir searching for other Nardiri or surveying the damage.

first order of business is finding volunteers for search parties to comb through Nardir and see if anyone needs assistance. if you'd like to have your Nardiri involved in this, either as a victim in need of saving or as part of the search party, just post below and let us know which character & what you're interested in doing! once we have a list, we'll form teams and the chosen team leaders can set up threads. 

the search party plot will lead into discovering the Tendrils of Elune, which will eventually be a playable area for some of our Nardiri! for now, we'll focus on getting the search parties together, so post below if you're interested!

search party volunteers:
- Puffin
- Becrux
- Aylie
- Anika
- Deidra
- Akutan
- Hakan
- Arik
- Raka
- Julek

needs rescuing:
- Tallulah
- Aeneas
- Kyra
- Sansa
- Shimmah

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  FEED ME A STRAY CAT [Crow's group]
Posted by: Crow - October 04, 2017, 02:31:28 AM - Replies (3)

He looked upon the sagging green overgrowth high above his head. Scented the humid air, relishing as though in nostalgia the way the breath made his lungs feel filthy on the way out, the thin steam it left behind. With it came the distinct and ammoniacal reek of wolf piss where in another universe they might otherwise have had gates. Imagine the signs they'd hang, like kitschy welcome-home mats from hell: fuck off, trespassers. dragons live here. if you check in, you can never check back out.

Unless you were Crow, of course. Maybe he was more oil than beast after all, for how he slides beneath the very worst of all the karma he deserves so badly.

Like dying in the isle of glass, said the wounds, treated but raw, dashed upon his body like strikes from a barbed bullwhip, an angry red, a mosaic of split-open meat. Like being left for the hungry fire. You remember what it was like to be tasted by flame, don't you? Oh, he'd never forget. Nor had he ever crawled from that fire with all parts of him uneaten. Maybe he'd died a long time ago, and this was just the dream sputtered out by the failing neurons as the blinked out like stars and brought everything that once had been Crow down with them. But here he stood, and here he walked, a feral stray on the weathered steps of

(whatever the hell made you)

old Alteron, the kingdom that devoured itself and lived on forever. There was poetry in that, really. He still donned the name of a dead man, and it had taken him some time after the fire to figure out... what to do next. He was pretty sure he knew now.

Behind him and beside him lurked more wolves, dark shapes in the shade of the canopy. They were his, and he was theirs, because sometimes mad dogs had dogs of their own, because they liked to run in packs, and when he'd moved as though to break it, they'd followed him here, loyal beasts, vicious beasts, maybe just frightened beasts in the end.

"Alteron," mused Crow, his voice (it always sounded vaguely aristocratic, or tried to anyway, like a wolf, pun unintended, in a shitty see-through sheepskin) more aloof than usual, more tired, though he tried to mask even this minor weakness, as though he wasn't riddled with healing wounds. Details, details. "Pretty, isn't it?" In its own... special way.

Even as a small, stupid boy, he'd thought as much. That remained unchanged. What, then, had not?

What had his Red Dragon done here in all the years he'd spent in the holy valley?

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  Tell everybody I'm on my way! [Visit/Trespass: Azalea, Kunzite]
Posted by: Corona - October 03, 2017, 09:02:55 PM - Replies (2)

New friends and new places to see
With blue skies ahead yes
I'm on my way
And there's nowhere else
that I'd rather be

Corona woke them up with the sun with a yip and big ol’ wet kisses. “Ha ha! Gogogo!” He screeched as he bounced around them, his coat shimmering in the morning light. His tails were a blur as he nudged his brother, trying to push him up from his place on the ground. They had to go! Places to see, and a wayward brother to find! He stopped his prancing for a moment to look out in the distance, the wind ruffling his coat as his tails swayed behind him. They’d find Hyperion. He was so sure of it, his heart swelling with pride for their accomplishments so far.

They’d left Gemini behind, and the world was their oyster. Hyperion was the pearl, and the greatest treasure they could ever hope to find.

The aurora practically vibrated in place as he waited for them to rouse themselves, and once they were up? His nose was to the ground, snuffling loudly. When he found something? His tails shot straight up and he threw his head back, letting out the loudest bark he could muster. With the basset hound call complete, he took off at a run. His long legs ate the ground as he barked, baying and yipping so his counterparts could follow him with ease. That was hours ago though, and now he simply walked. He’d lost the trail, but Hyperion had to go this way!

He would. It was so pretty!

The land was a vast sea of tall grass and wildflowers as far as the eye could see. Corona laughed freely, rolling around in the blossoms and nuzzling the plants. He giggled as he got back to his feet, his tails a blur behind him. Bits of grass and flowers clung to his fur, accidentally woven in the dark tresses to make him look rather silly. He didn’t mind though. His floppy ears pricked up at the sight of… something, in the distance. Was it Hyperion? The boy looked back at his companions before he barked excitedly, dropping into a play bow. “S’go!” He chirped before he loped off in the direction that caught his attention.

As they got closer, Corona’s steps only quickened. “Ha ha! Wow! WOOK! WOOK!” He screamed as he bounced around, left and right, spinning and racing in a circle. Inaria’s purple trees loomed before them, large and strong as their branches swayed in the breeze. Corona didn’t know about borders. He was never taught about boundaries, so he simply stepped over that invisible line. He sucked in a deep breath of air, and then hollered, “‘PEEEEOOON! ‘PEEEEOOON, ‘ROOOONA! G’WAY ‘PEON, G’WAY RONA!”

He stopped for a minute to listen. Then he just kept walking through Inaria, still calling as loud as he could for his brother.

'Cause there's nothing like seeing
each other again
No matter what the distance between
And the stories that we tell
will make you smile
Oh it really lifts my heart

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  Can I help you find the peace and the star?
Posted by: Erasmus - October 03, 2017, 07:58:06 PM - No Replies

when i was a child i heard voices
some would sing and some would scream

[Image: Qjgo85D.png]

Before the reign of Queen Haylyn, any border guard would have looked at Erasmus and immediately taken him for his mutant heritage. Best case scenario, he and Pompilius would have needed to limp away elsewhere with nothing more than a poor first impression of one of the Dire Straits's most stalwart kingdoms; in the worst circumstances, there would have been a bloodbath.

Fortunately, Erasmus was not aware of any of this. And thank goodness, because it had taken so much convincing for him to come to Inaria in the first place. Erasmus and Pompilius arrived to open gates. A sprawling meadow divided the forest from the borderlands like a moat; the flowering purgatory outside Heaven's gates.

Erasmus knew nothing of fairy tales, otherwise he would have compared Inaria to one. He didn't know anything about purple-blossoming trees or blue rivers or pastel skies. His dreams were darkness and blood-stained desert stone. Where pieces of bone would be strewn along a barren, eroded earth, forest undergrowth prickled his paws. Soft purples and buttercup yellows bloomed. He had nothing to compare to paradise, so instead, he looked at Inaria and failed to comprehend any of it.

Once his nerves settled and he adjusted, he'd find the sight of his new home soothing in how dissimilar it was to his former prison -- currently, its unfamiliarity set him on edge. He adapted to change in a slow and excruciating crawl like he was breaking all the bones in his body and reshaping them into something new. He could not allow himself to feel relief yet, and he most especially could not let himself feel hope. Erasmus's eyes shifted to Pompilius from over his shoulder, and he murmured, "Stay behind me."

He was still responsible for Pompilius's protection. Again his eyes returned to the dark and unknown space between Inaria's trees, like he was studying an empty mansion from behind its fence. Once his howl reached the ears of the vanguards that patrolled this kingdom's outskirts, he had no inkling of what would emerge. Losing himself in the infinite fantasy of what-ifs meant becoming trapped in his hysteria, so he refrained from speculating. Erasmus released his howl -- a proud and keening dirge -- and waited, hair bristling, his spine shivering, his rib cage rattling with each breath. Externally, he was apprehensive, but not hostile. Behind the mask, he was in turmoil, and his scent betrayed it.

(Maybe it would be better for them if Pompilius did all the talking. Erasmus certainly would not protest. Between the two of them, Pompilius was the more agreeable and charismatic, and it was integral to get on these people's good sides.)

[Image: lds_07__f2u__by_akumiirako-dbiyewr.png]

Dual acceptance thread for Erasmus and Pompilius. Please wait for Pompilius to post first.

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  Out Come the Knives
Posted by: Erasmus - October 03, 2017, 07:55:38 PM - No Replies

The Red Mountains were unlike any terrain that Erasmus had ever traversed, though this arid stretch was in many ways the counterpart to Za Kodan. The heat was relentless, but did not pierce him to the bone, and the rock walls of the surrounding canyons were whorled and rippled like light-play on the horizon, while the crumbling rock spires of Za Kodan were white and chalky like dried dogshit.

Water here was scarce, but not impossible to find. In Za Kodan, you had to claw your way past the earth's epidermis and when you grasped that precious vein you had to fight every man in the wasteland to keep it. Seeing water in such unfathomable quantities was still a staggering concept, though Erasmus was growing accustomed to the shock. Slowly, carefully, nervously, he was becoming accustomed, but a part of him would remain forever planted in the badlands, withering under the wasteland heat.

Erasmus and Pompilius were walking alongside a river that snaked through the canyon, and they had traveled that path until the sun set, drenching the Mountains in twilight. The sandstone walls illuminated like firelight, radiating bright orange like lingering horizon-blood pooled beneath a purple night sky. Once they retired to a nearby cavern, Erasmus contented himself through his restless hours by staring at the stars in the sky.

There were no stars in Za Kodan's sky. Nights were always pitch black.

Like many nights before this one, Erasmus found himself in a predicament. Even with Pompilius curled against him and the cool midnight air in his fur, he could not sleep. The cavern was large enough to shelter them without sparking his claustrophobia. Nightmares were always a threat hanging at the back of his mind, but his thoughts, while scrambled, were unburdened. Maybe, despite all the time he had spent in the worlds beyond the wasteland, he was still unused to slumbering beneath a star-filled sky. Erasmus chuffed quietly, and, careful not to disturb Pompilius, pried himself from beside him and proceeded towards the river.

Erasmus stood on the riverbank, ears carefully pricked for unexpected approach. Golden eyes darted from side to side, still an ingrained precaution, before he bowed his head to drink.

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August 27, 2020, 04:15:46 PM
Azeil's Acceptance
Last Post: Lish
May 10, 2020, 04:27:10 PM
in our finest regalia
Last Post: Dirt
April 07, 2020, 07:39:52 AM
ohana means family. famil...
Last Post: Vorpal
April 04, 2020, 06:04:20 PM
Vexillum Discord!
Last Post: Cesare.
March 11, 2020, 08:02:31 AM
Last Post: Cesare.
March 11, 2020, 07:35:52 AM
Scarf Colors
Last Post: Cesare.
March 11, 2020, 07:21:23 AM
Gladitorial Handbook
Last Post: Cesare.
March 11, 2020, 07:19:25 AM

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