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Posted by: Calypso - January 18, 2018, 12:43:51 PM - Replies (4)

[Image: bY3dyUB.png]
C a l y p s o,

Woven in the fabric of your tapestry

actions - “speech” - thoughts

Graystone head tilted downwards, the lukewarm water starting its yawning engulf of her snout. The liquid brought new life to her previously dry throat. Icy eyes closed naturally in euphoria. It was sad how such a simple thing became such a grateful pleasure. Had she been traveling that long and hard? Calypso trekked mountain after mountain, perhaps pointlessly, to get here. Where was here? She was following ghosts, blowing in the wind like a feather. She trusted the Lwa spirits to guide her. There was somewhere she was meant to be.

Was she a nomad, or a fugitive? It had been so long, Calypso couldn't tell anymore. Solitude suited her, but there was that egging at the back of her mind wanting more. A sense of belonging she never had. Oh, but she hated people. The only good wolf was a dead one, especially if male. Sacrifices could be easily made if she was important in her own right. Like she once was.

There was a pang of regret. Had Calypso made the wrong choices? She could have been the quiet, pampered wife of some warlord back home; heiress to the Duke. She growled under her breath to keep back a sob. Her father didn't deserve to be remembered. Didn't deserve to have her.

She stared at her reflection silently thereafter, willing her mind to go blank.

ooc Sorry this sucks so much xD First post and all~

forest graphic © m-adking / coding © vixxie's codes

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  Bergentrückung [Gray]
Posted by: Sincate - January 18, 2018, 10:21:52 AM - Replies (6)

[Image: sincatetitle_by_lunecy-dbppnb0.png]
Paws drummed in the rhythm of their heart, a force that awakened a certain anger that seemed all so familiar. They had been exiled from the family, cast out because they had been too curious and far too forward, questioning their value as Bane took a title that wasn’t his. They had all been greedy, even Sincate as they faced danger, but as a fledgling, were they not fated to become royal? And even if they were not, the tattoos branded under their eyes were ignored, a mere Elite trying to dominate a child much more prestigious than him, but he was too proud to care and Crenate had been too corrupted to correct.

And in the end, their so called ‘father’ killed Enys. Oriana wasn’t there to settle the situation; she had run like a coward in Sincate’s eyes. Now a wing had snatched her crown to place it on his own head and the Sabor didn’t care.

Tradition meant nothing.

The red ignis dire swept across jungle, gliding through the territory as they searched for Nero, or Crenate, or any of the bastards that killed their brother. The ire within burned and scorched like lava that had once spilled over the lip of Mother’s summit, the fledgling harnessing the energy in order to storm into the inner rings and snarl. “COWARDS!!” they screamed, tongue swept over teeth as they shined in the moonlight. A fog had settled over, the temple quiet as they approached. Sincate stormed through, wanting to leave a bloody trail in their wake of all the souls that defied them. Defied the sacred symbols of Saboro — the red tattoo under their eyes.

BANE!! CRENATE!” they roared, walking up the stairs. “NERO!!


Sincate stood on the top step, listening and waiting for the denizens to appear, saliva spilling over teeth. Blue eyes stared expectedly, wide and nearly popping from the fledgling’s skull, but still.




Ears twitched as something moved behind them, blue flashing back along with ivory. The dark made it hard to see, and as Sincate turned, they realized who it was. “Crenate.” Tail stood and lips peeled back in an ugly growl. “You’re not fit to lead this pack any longer, I’m going to challenge you, take your crown and let you bleed out like the pig you are.

And I’m going to enjoy it.  

✦ ✦ Speech Text ✦ ✦

set before the group thread where sincate re-enters the territory.....
[Image: pixel_potion_bullet_by_suzukimikan-d5eqwb7.png]

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  INFIDELIS: A Modern-Day Stray Dog Survival RP
Posted by: IF Staff - January 18, 2018, 08:24:19 AM - Replies (3)

Forum Name and Link: INFIDELIS
Type of RPG: Modern Canine RPG
Your Button and Code:  
[Image: 7ats0vMl_o.png]

<a href="" title="INFIDELIS: A Modern-Day Stray Dog Survival RP"><img src=""></a>

How Many Active Members Do You Have?: 22
Is Our Button Visible? Where is it located?: Yes. It's located statically at the bottom of our home page!

We would like to apply for the scrolling / marquee affiliate position in hopes we can re-apply for the static when we meet the requirements in the future! 

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  I Only Like You for Your Mom [Crux]
Posted by: Ashtaroth - January 17, 2018, 10:24:33 PM - No Replies

   Boshin. Not what she was hoping-- nowhere near her goals-- but it's a start. Ashtaroth's morning run passes through the forest, so hunting along the way is no distraction. Stalking is a skill necessary for her interests. She's not certain how she feels patrolling the Outer Ring yet, all their enemies just beyond, nothing but the fresh of bond between any would-be escapee and their freedom.
   The cliche sound of a stick snapping drops her into a crouch, creeping through the underbrush of the maze towards the origin. She's light on her feet-- mostly because there's so little weight to her. She peers about the brush, and sighs when she recognizes him.
   "Crux," she greets the Bacchus. Last she saw him was under the sermon of one of his mothers. "I suppose you've snagged yourself a bond as well, then?" Her voice is still light, lilted. Never so pretty as Lotus's, but she also has much more to do. When they were young and playing at the tar pits, Ashtaroth had still been so compassionate as to give her sister priority. The nicest bond, most attractive mate-- but Lotus is missing. Feizin is dead. She would have no one to compete with. That is-- if Ashtar is even likes him. She hasn't decided yet.
   "Patrol the border with me?" she invites. She has him all to herself-- no need to rush things now.

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  at the end of everything
Posted by: Tessen - January 17, 2018, 10:16:23 PM - No Replies

[Image: DzBSrK1.png]
T e s s e n,

"I might only have one match, but I can make an explosion."

actions - “speech” - thoughts
He kept finding himself looking back in the direction of Saboro, back towards that damned volcano that jutted out from the horizon like an ugly sore. Tessen had doubts about his decision, doubts that surprised him. When it had been more than clear that freedom wasn't only possible, but that it was plausible, he had seized it without a moments hesitation. It had seemed like the right thing to do given that there was nothing for him in Saboro. Not anymore at least. Crenate had seen to that. The Sabor had said he'd have a chance to become a Nightwalker again some day, but the pack had marked him a traitor regardless and one couldn't fight the hive mind that was Saboro.

The forest was quiet, peaceful in the early morning. Tessen had loved his first few days of freedom and the knowledge that there was no one watching him from the shadows, judging his every move. Soon he felt those eyes again. They were everywhere. He half expected Crenate or his little spawn to leap from the bushes and tear off more of his skin. He would have sworn he felt Kappa's hot breath on the back of his neck, jaws ready to close around him to snap the vertebrae of the son that had disappointed him so much. Maybe if you had actually taught me something, he would always think to himself as if in some kind of justification for his failure in Inaria.

He rested at the base of an elm tree, head on his paws. He wasn't tired - far from it in fact - but what else was there to do? That was likely the part that would eventually drive him mad. The boredom. He might not have been good at his job, but he had a job to do. He had a purpose. Now he felt like a rock on the side of a river bank had more of a reason for existing than he did. A free life was a lonely life inde-

Tessen was interrupted in the middle of his internal angst by the feeling of something hitting the top of his head. Paranoid that someone from Saboro really had caught up to him, he shot up to his feet and looked around, eyes scanning for the source of-

Shit, there it was again.

This time he turned his gaze upward towards the branches of the tree. It took him a moment before he saw the small, gray shape twitching in the branches. The squirrel stared down at him, eyes wide as it held an acorn in it's little paws. "You son of a- OW!" He raised a paw to his face as the squirrel hurled its treasure at his eye socket.

Wait was it laughing at him?

ooc: set before Tessen meets Desdemona in the Neutrals

top image © waka / coding © vixxie's codes

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  Flower Beds (Crux)
Posted by: Felony - January 17, 2018, 10:11:56 PM - No Replies

Dead, gone, frozen. This was horrible, terrible actually!! Everything was RUINED!! The roses, the daisy's, rosemary, sage, it was all gone!! Everything, every last bit. At least, until the spring that is. Then Fell would have to start all over from scratch and try to get everything to tip top shape. Gardaning, it was a hobby sure, but it was also a stress relief for the young small female. Her attention, focused on something that needed her more so then her own life. Nothing could describe the satisfaction that she felt when a flower bud bloomed.

So, with a heavy sigh. The dark furred female turned her back to her beloved garden. It was frozen solid, no use in tiling the soil now. Plus she collected the good seeds before the freeze came and hit the valley. She just hoped that they survived the cold in her den. 

Bright blue eyes looked up as the dark furred female turned from her beloved garden. A small scowl appearing on her lips as some idiot decided to stumble upon her special garden. It took every fiber in Fell's body to not tell them to fuck off, but she didn't know if they were a higher rank then she was. Plus, she was freaking tiny compared to them. An so with a heavy sigh, Fell bit her tongue to not swear at this wolf. Instead, through strained lips she spoke to them. "What?" Short, sweet and to the point. Her tone, a little more on the hostile side then she would of liked, but the sun was still up and that aspect alone annoyed her.

Her right eye twitched with annoyance as she waited for an answer from this giant that dared to stumble upon her home. "I don't have all day here." She'd mumble as she felt her bad mood taking over things.

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  Faint [Felony]
Posted by: Ashtaroth - January 17, 2018, 09:25:15 PM - Replies (3)

   It's probably something to do with an underlying sense of inadequacy. The understanding that a single well-placed scratch could ruin her place with Anamelech, that intelligence and hard work are all that bind her to Sphinx. That her whole family are traitors, and being the exception is no badge of honour. Ashtar will either be a thriving example of Oukoku-Kai, or another death on the path to Ragnarok.
   She's a young woman overworked by her own ambition, trotting through the territory until the soreness in her limbs is all but numb, until she trips over misplaced toes, until she tumbles face-first into the dirt. Ashtar gasps, gulps, and continues on.
   She walks until she can't feel her burning lungs and pounding head. Until she forgets all their names. Until the horizon blurs and sinks; until she falls to the ground and sleeps the only way she can since Lotus was lost. Until she faints like a corseted Victorian, shocked by a tragedy like this.
   Ashtaroth is alone, unconscious in the dirt, for anyone to find.

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  It's All Over
Posted by: Alistair - January 17, 2018, 09:05:30 PM - Replies (5)

He had already seen his mother. She was the first wolf he had stopped in to visit after returning from the war. She was the first person he made smile since he had come back, and also the first one he had brought to tears. He had watched with hardened green eyes and an angrily clenched jaw as she broke down from the news. The same news that had almost broken him too. The same news that had almost kept him from coming back to the valley, from coming back and seeing this. He hadn't wanted to be the one to do this. But he did it anyways, because he had to. He put on his newly-acquired, thickened skin, he made his way to the den he had been raised, and he broke his mother's heart. As she sunk to the ground sobbing, he made no move to comfort her. There had been no one out there to comfort him when he found out. He left her to her anguish without saying anything else, her devastated cries echoing in his ears with every step he put between them.

Noah. Andruil. His brothers were dead.

And now Alistair had to tell his father too.

He made his way to the lake's edge, a place that seemed to mean something to everyone in his family. It was where his parents had fallen in love, it was where his father came to sing, and it was where his mother came to pray. It was where he would tell the most important man in his life that his other two sons were dead. They had gone out filled with life and belief that their holy Rosas would lead them to victory, and only he had come back. The young man sat down close enough for the cool water to lap at his paws, and he almost couldn't recognize the young man staring back at him. He had always been a bit of a grump, Sphinx used to always tell him to relax, enjoy life... but now he was something else. The anger was everywhere, in the set of his jaws and shoulders, in the harshness of his handsome green eyes. When he looked in the water, he could almost see the burning swirling inside him.

He hadn't expected his mother to act like that. He had expected the holy "They died for their Rosas. There is no nobler way" and for her to be proud and for her to grieve with dignity. He had expected to be angry at her for doing all of those things... but she did none of them, and that made him angrier. Sphinx had changed. Something had shaken her faith, even before the news of her sons' deaths. 

"I'm back," Alistair started quietly as he heard his dad approach. It was the same, his father's scent and pacing of his stride. The boy used to listen for it every day when his father would come back to the den. That was all over now. He'd get his own den, throw himself into work. It was all over now. When he spoke again, his voice was hard with anger, deep with age. "And I have something to tell you. After that, you should go see mom. I..." Hurt her feelings? Left her alone in pain? The golden boy trailed off briefly, swatting at the water,"She's not doing so well right now."

The golden boy had grown to look quite like his father. Strong jaw, toned muscles, broad shoulders. The only differences were the colors of their fur, and the rage twisting young Ali's features.

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  From One To Another
Posted by: Arsena - January 17, 2018, 04:58:54 PM - Replies (3)

Loud slushing sounded through the area as a young female walked through a stream. Usually the sound would be quieted down, but since it's winter the water was freezing. Creating slush and ice to form on the top of it. The sight of it was beautiful, but the masked female could really care less about it's beauty right now. Instead, all she wanted was some fresh water to drink up.

Sen, lowered her head and started to lap up the ice cold water. Gasping as she only gave herself a few seconds between each multiple laps. She acted like she hadn't had anything to drink in a while and, in a sense, she hasn't. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the female gasped loudly as she finished and allowed herself to breath easily as she looked around. She wasn't locked in a cave anymore. Oh no, this space was void of that salty smell. No more fishy smell. "Where am I?" She wondered to herself as she looked around, confused. She didn't know where she was, but what she did know was that she had escaped. Pirates? Wolves? Those stupid wolves thought they could hold a mychevious husky? Ha! As soon as they looked away she was able to escape! No one out smarts a husk!

As the cold water started to nip at her paws, Sen slowly moved towards the shore once more. Her breathing had calmed and she was able to actually focus on not making any noise as she moved along. "I'm safe." She mumbled quietly to herself as she shook off the water from her legs and belly.

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  child of the vineyard
Posted by: Claret (RP) - January 17, 2018, 09:54:34 AM - Replies (6)

He had hidden using the flesh of his mother.

The young timber had finally licked the last of blackened, dried blood off his pristine coat. During his schooling, he had been taught that approaching any packlands caked in anything from mud to the blood of your deceased mother was bad manners and could be seen as a mark of great disrespect. Once he was sure that he was clean and presentable, Claret continued on his way. Headed in the direction of a certain forest maze. 

It had been hard going, losing those fringe dires. However, Claret was lithe and nimble while his pursuers were too bulky to keep up with him. It also seemed they were... civilised to the point where chasing and hunting down a wolf who was barely out of childhood was beneath them. Either that or it was simply too much effort. Judging by their thick coats, Claret theorised that they had come from the North or an otherwise cold climate, rendering them unused to the blazing heat of the desert where his family had constructed their neat little hamlet. It had been much too small to really call it a 'kingdom' or even a 'pack' but small was how the council had liked it, it ultimately meant less things could go wrong. If it were not for those fringe dires, those serfs would never have broken free at all. 

Well, what's done was done. You cannot linger in the past. Claret expressed neither remorse or sorrow for his deceased parents. He had been taught throughout his entire puphood that his father would not be around forever, and that he would ultimately have to step up and take his place if that ever happened. Except there had been complications. The loss of both parents meant a loss of identity. He now had no individuals to lean on or aspire to be as he grew older. He was old enough to hunt, to think for himself but was he old enough to ultimately be alone and depend entirely on himself? Not at all. He had only gained his council name a few days before the attack and had never made any major decisions for himself.

Now, he had to choose a pack. A new home. No pressure or anything. 

It was then he saw the forest, which very much resembled a maze with its endless trees and indecipherable paths. Claret swallowed, red eyes narrowing as he tried to make out anything through the trees. No such luck. In the end, he simply sat a good distance away from the maze and pondered over his predicament. Getting his bearings was out of the question because he had no idea what part of the desert he had ran to. He was a completely different hemisphere now. A whole new ball game.

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