IDS General Discord Server
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everything happens so much
Posts: 109

(This post was last modified: April 10, 2018, 04:32:01 PM by Puffin.)

Welcome to In Dire Straits! If the OOC parts of our boards seem quiet, check out our Discord server!

The forum rules are the same in our server, so please keep them in mind as you interact with our server.

- The Golden Rule.
Be kind, be patient, be considerate. Remember that behind the sparkledogs are real people. Not everyone will get along, but arguments must be handled gracefully or mods will absolutely step in.

- Content.
IDS is a PG-13 forum, and any discussion above PG-13 must be taken to a clearly marked marked channel (ex. "mature" or "nsfw" in the channel title). Explicit topics such as (but not limited to) illegal material, drug use, underage drinking, and sexual activities aren’t allowed.

Pornographic or sexually-oriented artwork: If there's any chance that it may be seen as offensive or inappropriate, give a warning when posting the link or post it only in a marked nsfw channel.

Graphic videos: absolutely forbidden. Posting a direct link to explicit content will result in a punishment depending on its severity. Repeat offenses will lead to a ban.

Cursing is not monitored, but we do not tolerate slurs.

- Chat Moderators.
Chat Moderators are members of the general server appointed to moderate the server. They assist the Forum Guardians in enforcing the forum rules on the general server, as well as help keep things chill.

Their duties include:
  • diverting subjects away from sensitive areas and moderating the chat when users request a subject change
  • moving mature things to the real talk or nsfw channels
  • general server management (role assignment, channel creation, etc.)

Our current Chat Mods are Akante and Horsefeathers.

Only contact this account to inquire about or appeal a warning you have received. All other Mod-related business should be directed to individual Mods.

Staff FAQ | Forum Rules | Forum FAQ

If you need help with something, please contact one of our forum moderators!
Our current staff team is Arkyls, Kay, and Puffin.
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