Private Roleplay  Head Start [Alec & Gaven]
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Embsay He/Him
The Bees Knees
Posts: 23
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Location: Gemini

All Accounts Posts: 185
(This post was last modified: December 24, 2017, 08:40:38 PM by Embsay.)

OOC: Went ahead and presumed a vauge situation where they were both present, if you want anything changing let me know! Smile

"Waaaaaaait!" Embsay wailed. "You're cheating! That's not faaaaaaair." If age and weight class were taken into account the race was perhaps not fair, but seeing as the only criteria was 'race you to that rock!' it was perfect fair. "You had a head start!" With Alec being older than him that was technically true. Not that Embsay had considered that, he just thought his larger brother had won the genetic lottery. 

Embsay was already showing signs that, unless things changed drastically, he was never going to be much of a tank. His young body was all awkward angles and unconventional proportions he had yet to grow into; he was mostly long thing legs, over sized ears and a long tail seemed far to big for the rest of him.

Still, he worked his little legs into a frenzy, willing them to be stronger and move faster, but he lost the race by more than a few seconds. He reached the rock and cerimoniously touched it to show he had finished but glowered at Alec the entire time. Then pointedly turned, sat down, nose in the air and announced "I'm not talking to you!" His bottom lip quivered in disappointment at his loss. He wanted to win. He wanted to tell Mum and Dad he won.

"You're a cheater! And you...You..." He struggled to find a word in his vocabulary to express just how cross he was. Then he suddenly had a bolt of inspiration. He had recently heard a word for the first time... An adult whispered it - It was a well know fact that adults only whisper stuff they don't want you to hear, like bad words, therefore this had to be one of those. "You're a big fat adopted!" 

Used in the right context the word could have been a lot more cutting, but Embsay had no idea what he was actually saying. Still he expounded it with garbled exhilaration of a child saying a naughty word for the first time. Yeah! You take that!

I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree,
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made;
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.
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Corvo he/him
swooping is bad
Roleplay Organizer
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All Accounts Posts: 287

No rush but I'm punting this upwards cuz I will literally forget about it if I don't post here.

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