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    Thread: The fire burns, so does my reputation
Post: RE: The fire burns, so does my reputation

Mouuse saw the other appear in shock. They were concerned of them being in the fire. Since they've found a safe place, things werw slowly surpressing. Mouuse heard the tall canine make a throaty growl...
7 Replies
    Thread: The fire burns, so does my reputation
Post: RE: The fire burns, so does my reputation

Mouuse watched the other as they managed to escape from under the tree and out the burning woods. The sky was blackened with smoke and the strong smell of burning life stung his nose. He looked over ...
7 Replies
    Thread: The fire burns, so does my reputation
Post: RE: The fire burns, so does my reputation

Mousse weakly stood up before turning to the other that saved him. His eyes widened as he saw the other struggle from being caught in the tree. Hearing trees falling with fire blazing around him, he d...
7 Replies
  Exclamation Thread: The fire burns, so does my reputation
Post: The fire burns, so does my reputation

(This roleplay takes place within the scene of the fire. Mouuse returned to the sight of his birthpack dens in flames) "I've taken a path, a long path that I can't seem to phase from. It hurts so m...
7 Replies

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