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    Thread: tiny dots on an endless timeline // prp
Post: RE: tiny dots on an endless timeline // prp

"It's.. happening.... again..." He watched her with abject terror, knowing this was the moment where it all ended. Perhaps her heart was failing her now, too broken by sadness - was that possible...
7 Replies
    Thread: tiny dots on an endless timeline // prp
Post: RE: tiny dots on an endless timeline // prp

The past few days had been hard. Harder than he'd thought possible. Tauro's death had shaken him, but it was nothing compared to this. Every day he wondered what he was supposed to do, how he could ma...
7 Replies
    Thread: rock-a-bye, baby // prp
Post: RE: rock-a-bye, baby // prp

"What did I do?" He wished he had an answer. Something, anything to stop the crying. Each sob hit him like a knife in the chest, a reminder of what he'd done this time. His dead children held him l...
4 Replies
    Thread: rock-a-bye, baby // prp
Post: RE: rock-a-bye, baby // prp

He'd been so nervous lately, a feeling (like most) he wasn't familiar with. He knew that the children...HIS children would be coming soon, and he knew that meant he was going to have to be responsible...
4 Replies
    Thread: Inheritance [Gem Slaver plot!]
Post: RE: Inheritance [Gem Slaver plot!]

The child felt a thousand years old, a dusty skeleton in a chain gang, one paw falling after another only because she was being pulled along by her captors. They wanted her to walk, so she wanted to s...
18 Replies
    Thread: a prickly predicament
Post: a prickly predicament

Iron carried a lot of responsibility within Gemini, which was something he accepted somewhat begrudgingly. He didn't object to it too strongly simply because the idea of almost anyone else in this pac...
1 Replies

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