|Acceptence| Hush, Hush The World Is Quiet
Casphian he/him
We're all mad here
Posts: 6
Pronouns: he/him


A sleek black and grey form slipped through the foliage as it moved around the border of the territory. Ranach moves to a halt, gaze sweeping across the area that laid before him. He wondered if a patrol wasn’t nearby or if any wolves were around in general. The male was tired of traveling and he finally wanted to settle down with a pack. He found this territory and with it being the closest to him he figured he would give it a try and see if they would accept him. For so long Ranach had never wanted the pack life, enjoying the freedom he got with not having authority and other pack members to worry about. But after so long he grew lonely and tired of the constant day to day moving, he wanted to just finally settle down and call somewhere home. Finally the male grew tired of waiting and he tipped his head back andlet out a long howl. He was trying to alert the pack of his presence in hopes of them finally finding him.
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EhwazAzi She
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         Azi Ehwaz ✰ Scy     [Image: 5982498_BC1ARM5lFDMf0ge.png][Image: 6881983_UXapRFuHsx7Jvn5.png][Image: 10491553_otfPfB7ppKXrkYK.png?1542142471][Image: 10491190_C7mKSpmAQNejsJm.png][Image: 10490597_24VPCDpekSHS8IG.png][Image: 6881917_fMeqx1Ij0aFHmmW.png]

[Image: 352fa04ac4d4cb6de169ca7c88c9d4e5.png] | INTJ | [Image: gemini_pixel_by_rockzillahh-d9i4l16.png]
[Image: discord__color__icon_ultramini_by_linux_...aq94go.png]EhwazAzi #4024

    vixxie's codes

Casphian he/him
We're all mad here
Posts: 6
Pronouns: he/him


Yea I was gonna do it after I made the post! I just had a decent amount of muse to post but I’ll go ahead and take this down.
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